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Health Partnership Scheme - THET
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Health Partnership Scheme

In 2010, the UK government announced funding for a new programme which would fund institutional partnerships between UK health institutions and their counterparts in low and middle-income countries (LMICs): the Health Partnership Scheme (HPS).

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health workers trained.

Funding for this kind of activity at this scale had never before been provided in the UK

The HPS was designed with the purpose of strengthening Human Resources for Health and improving access to and quality of care for the population of the poorest countries of the world. It did so by harnessing the expertise of UK health institutions and professionals and responding to the needs of their counterparts in low-resource settings.

The Scheme’s focus was led by DFID’s thematic health priorities (reproductive, maternal, and new-born health, and malaria) and priority countries*, with a focus on rural areas where health infrastructure is often weakest.

In eight years, within the framework of the Health Partnership Scheme, managed by THET, 191 partnerships were formed and 210 projects delivered. Over 2,000 NHS staff volunteered overseas and trained 93,112 health workers across 30 countries in Africa and Asia. A significant majority of LMIC health workers who received training have gone on to train others.

The programme has contributed to more effective and efficient health systems in LMICs, whilst also having a beneficial impact on the NHS, as UK staff return home with increased knowledge, improved leadership skills and a greater understanding of how to innovate in delivering healthcare with limited resources.

UK volunteers were in Nepal before the earthquake struck and played an exemplary role in assisting the country in its recovery. They have worked towards reducing maternal deaths in Uganda and to improve the quality of hospital care for seriously sick and injured children and new-borns in Myanmar.

* As defined by DFID at the time bids for funding were considered.

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Health partnerships are a model for improving health and health services based on ideas of co-development between actors and institutions from different countries. The partnerships are long-term but not permanent and are based on ideas of reciprocal learning and mutual benefits.

Our Projects

Improving the legitimacy and efficiency of healthcare resource allocation


Improving the legitimacy and efficiency of healthcare resource allocation

Through the systematic use of clinical and economic evidence and social values in decision-making.

UK Partner: NICE

Overseas Partners: China National Health Development Research Center (CNHDRC)

Countries: India and China

Health Theme: NCDs

Training and capacity development for colposcopy and cervical pathology reporting in Kathmandu, Nepal


Training and capacity development for colposcopy and cervical pathology reporting in Kathmandu, Nepal

UK Partner: Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust

Overseas Partners: Maternity Hospital, Kathmandu

Country: Nepal

Health Theme: Sexual and Reproductive Health

Developing a centre of excellence in Tanzania for the therapeutic management of violence and aggression


Developing a centre of excellence in Tanzania for the therapeutic management of violence and aggression

UK Partner: Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust

Overseas Partners: Mirembe Hospital and Nursing School

Country: Tanzania

Health Theme: Mental Health