As part of our ongoing approach to quality improvement, we have developed Principles of Partnership to support health partnerships, and to improve the quality and effectiveness of what they do.
Health Partnerships have a shared vision, have long-term aims and measurable plans for achieving them, and work within a jointly-agreed framework of priorities and direction.
Health Partnerships’ work is consistent with local and national plans and complements the activities of other development partners.
Health Partnerships operate in a way that delivers high-quality projects that meet targets and achieve long term results.
Health Partnerships listen to one another and plan, implement and learn together.
Health Partnerships are well-structured, well-managed and efficient and have clear and transparent decision making processes.
Health Partnerships conduct their activities with integrity and cultivate trust in their interactions with stakeholders.
Health Partnerships proactively adapt and respond to altered circumstances and embrace change.
Health Partnerships monitor, evaluate and reflect on their activities and results, articulate lessons learned and share knowledge with others.
Health Partnerships consider unequal power relations and inequalities experienced by individuals as a result of their social identities and take action to ensure equity and inclusion are embedded in their work.
Health Partnerships proactively contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Show your commitment to the Principles of Partnership!
Explore the organisations which have committed their support to responsible and reciprocal partnerships...
Give your partnership a Health Check with our self-assessment tool and action plan!