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The Eldryd Parry Fellowship

To honour the memory of Professor Sir Eldryd Parry, founder of the Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET), the Eldryd Parry Fellowship aims to build the capacity of an individual health worker to support them in progressing their career and ultimately contributing towards the strengthening of their national health system.

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The fellowship overview

At the Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET), we are dedicated to honouring the memory of our esteemed founder, Professor Sir Eldryd Parry. The Eldryd Parry Fellowship (EPF) will, funding allowing, provide a grant to one health worker from an African country each year.

In collaboration with Eldryd’s family, THET will manage this fellowship programme, which will provide the successful applicant with a £5,000 grant to execute a project over a period of nine months.

As we embark on this journey, we embrace Professor Sir Eldryd Parry’s philosophy: “Where do you want to go, how can we help you get there, where are the gaps, how can we help you fill them?” This powerful statement encapsulates the spirit of the Eldryd Parry Fellowship, aiming to nurture the potential of Ethiopian health workers.

If you would like to donate to the Eldryd Parry Fellowship, please click here. After you have donated, please let us know by emailing info@thet.org so we can ensure your donation is directed to the Eldryd Parry Fellowship.


If there’s mutual trust and a willingness on both sides to learn from each other, a readiness to adapt and a readiness to try new things then good work will happen.

Call for applications (opens 28 June 2024)

The Eldryd Parry Fellowship (EPF) will, funding allowing, provide a grant to one health worker from an African country each year. The award of £5,000 is limited to early- to mid-career health workers with an interest in primary healthcare from public or not-for-profit Nigerian health institutions.

In order to maintain the international Health Partnership model that was so important to Sir Eldryd, the Fellow will come from a UK-Nigeria health partnership. Health Partnerships are long-term partnerships between UK health institutions and their counterparts in LMICs. Partnerships aim to improve health services and systems in LMICs through the reciprocal exchange of skills, knowledge and experience between partners in the UK and LMICs.

They will be funded to lead a quality improvement project within their health institution, run a short research project, or contribute towards scholarship fees. These activities will help the Fellow to build their skills and knowledge whilst also ultimately contributing to improvements in the health system.

This work would ideally culminate in a publication in an academic journal.

Size and duration

The size of the grant is £5,000.

The Fellow will have nine months to conduct their project, from November 2024 until July 2025. They will furthermore present their planned activities at the THET Conference on 6-7 November 2024, and be invited back to the conference in October/November 2025 to present their completed work and impact.

Eligibility criteria and application requirements

Core eligibility requirements:

  • Early- to mid-career health workers from public or not-for-profit Nigerian health institutions.
  • The Fellow must come from a UK-Nigeria health partnership.
  • Requires a letter of support from the host institution that shows support for the fellow to pursue their project.
  • The proposed project needs to be a quality improvement project within their health institution, a short research project, or contribute towards scholarship fees.

Applicants should read the Call for Applications document before applying.

Applicants are required to complete the Application Form, and provide a CV and a letter of support from both partnership institutions, which must be sent to grants@thet.org by 5 pm (BST) Thursday 1st of August. Applications received after this date will not be considered.

Find the key documents below:

Inaugural Fellow of the Eldryd Parry Fellowship (2023 - 2024)

We’re thrilled to announce Kokob Gebru Kidanu as the inaugural fellow of the Eldryd Parry Fellowship, named in honour of THET’s founder Sir Eldryd Parry.

Kokob is a lecturer, clinician, and researcher of mental health at Mekelle University in Ethiopia, as well as a tireless advocate for women’s rights. She has extensive experience in clinical work, research, and project management, with a passion for trauma resilience, youth and women’s empowerment, and human rights.

During the war in Tigray, Kokob provided critical mental health support for survivors of sexual violence. She continues to coordinate impactful projects aimed at empowering youth and women and promoting psychosocial healing in her community.



Kokob’s fellowship project “Nurturing Resilience: A self-care Guide for Health Workers Aiding Survivors of Sexual and Gender-based Violence in a Post-conflict Setting in Tigray, Ethiopia” exemplifies the meaningful work she does uplifting vulnerable groups and strengthening the healthcare system in Tigray.

We’re honoured to have Kokob as the first Eldryd Parry Fellow, continuing Sir Eldryd’s legacy of advancing health equity through impactful work like this project.