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Julia Taub

Fundraising Coordinator

Julia joined THET in August 2023 as a Fundraising Coordinator. Prior to THET, she spent over seven years working in various programmatic and fundraising roles with the Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (UK), International Institute for Environment and Development (UK), and International Centre for Climate Change and Development (Bangladesh). Julia has a master’s in international development from the University of Manchester and extensive knowledge and experience in locally-led initiatives that meet the needs of communities across the world.


Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic and seeing how it has set back progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals, Julia has developed a passion for ensuring that the world’s most vulnerable and isolated (both socially and geographically) groups have access to quality healthcare that is needed to reduce the risk of chronic illness and unnecessary death. She has particular interests in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and antimicrobial resistance.