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THET condemns riots and stands in unwavering solidarity with diaspora healthcare staff in the UK

9 August 2024


At THET, we stand in unwavering solidarity with NHS staff across the UK, of whom just over 1 in 4 are black and minority ethnic and almost 1 in 5 report a non-British nationality.

Recent violent riots and inflammatory rhetoric have highlighted the persistent Islamophobia and racism in our society. We share the widespread horror at these events and stand united with all communities working to combat the hatred and systemic racism that underpin them.

Across our programmes, THET is deeply committed to contributing towards an anti-racist and inclusive healthcare landscape, both in the UK and in the countries where we work. As an organisation, anti-racism remains a core priority, and we are continuously advancing our understanding of how best to achieve this goal.

Our Experts in Our Midst programme exemplifies this commitment. The programme aims to harness the knowledge internationally recruited and diaspora staff have of other health systems to develop practical solutions that improve health service delivery in the UK and overseas.

The programme was born from the recognition that the knowledge and expertise of internationally recruited and BAME healthcare staff are too often underrecognised and underutilised due to racism and discrimination.

The persistence of systemic racism which has resulted in the recent violence toward BAME and Muslim communities and healthcare staff requires collective action and zero tolerance.

We must work tirelessly to dismantle these barriers, ensuring that the invaluable contributions of internationally recruited and BAME healthcare professionals are celebrated and fully utilised.

THET stands in solidarity with all communities, organisations, and our fellow NGOs who remain dedicated to combating hatred and violence.

This post was written by:

External Engagement Team - THET

1 Comment

  • Primrose Magala
    09 Aug 2024 12:44
    Heartfelt thanks and gratitude to THET leadership and the entire organisation for their unwavering support. As a Nurse working in the NHS, I have had conversations with so many patients who have shared their support too. They can't stop apologising for what is happening. We are constantly reassuring them that we will continue to provide high quality care amidst current challenges. We hope everything will settle down through ongoing awareness campaigns such as this one through THET and other shared learning conversations/engagements.

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