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Samatar Ismail Ahmad

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Samatar Ismail Ahmad

Operations Officer


Samatar started work in Somaliland as a volunteer with national youth organisations and then moved to the commercial sector, where he worked in Administration and Accountancy and afterwards joined THET in 2010.  He graduated from the New Generation University in 2018 with a Master’s degree in Global Studies and International Relations. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and a Post-graduate Peace and Conflict Studies diploma from the University of Hargeisa.


Samatar is passionate about supporting humanitarian interventions with his operations experience in logistics, finance, human resources and security management and working closely with programme teams and country-level stakeholders.


Abdi Ali Noor

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Abdi Ali Noor

Driver – Somalia/Somaliland


Abdi joined the THET team in October 2011.

He has been providing logistical and travel support for the Somaliland team since July 2013.

Ethel M. Mukosa

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Ethel M. Mukosa

Project Support Officer - Zambia


Ethel has vast work experience in both profit and not for profit making organisations. She has expertise in finance, administration, human resources and project management.

Before joining THET, she worked for a humanitarian organisation (Concern Worldwide Zambia), supporting different projects, mainly in finance and administration. She also volunteered under the Youth Advocacy and Lobby Network Group.

Ethel Initially trained as an accountant and because of her interest in development-related issues, she went on to study for a Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies and later pursued a Masters’s Degree in International Relations and Development from Mulungushi University.


Sheila Aryatuha

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Sheila Aryatuha

Administrative Officer – Uganda


Sheila graduated in Business Administration from Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda. She has worked in South Sudan for Confident Children out of Conflict (CCC), an organisation that provides food, accommodation and education to street children.

After this experience in South Sudan, Sheila tool a career break to focus on her family and her passion for abstract art. She joined THET in May 2016 and works as Administrative Officer in THET’s Uganda Office.
