Andy Bacon has been a senior health leader for 17 years in England and overseas. He has worked in the public, private and the charitable/not for profit sector. He has also worked with primary care, community and hospital based services (including specialist tertiary teaching hospitals). He has been involved in both the providing of clinical services and in the commissioning, purchasing and procurement of them. His particular areas of interest are developing integrated health systems, diagnostics and improving health in less well developed countries. He has been responsible for the delivery of new networks and types of providers to enhance the capacity of in the English National Health Service (NHS).
He was also the Chief Executive of the only specialist children’s hospital in East and Central Africa. His job is managing the health system for the Regional Headquarters of the Northwest of England (c population 7 million) but is currently on secondment to support the coordination of care of care for a population of 450,000 people (between General Practitioners, community services and hospital based physical and mental health services and linking this with the personal care needs of people). He is currently leading work on providing better services for members of the Armed Forces, where he served for 13 years before his work in health. He is “passionately curious” about finding new ways of improving people’s health that meet local needs.