Maura Buchanan is an Independent Nursing & Healthcare Adviser having retired from NHS in 2012 after twenty-one year of service. Her last NHS appointment was that of Nursing & Quality Projects Lead at the Oxford University Hospitals Trust. For fourteen years, until 2010, Maura managed the hospital’s acute Private Patient Services. Her clinical specialty was Neurosurgery working in this field in Glasgow, London and Oxford. Since relocating back to Scotland, she has held a part-time position as Deputy Nursing Director for ScotNursing, a Glasgow based agency providing nursing and care services.
Maura served as the elected President of the Royal College of Nursing from 2006-2010, Deputy President from 2002-2006 and as Chair of RCN Congress from 1998-2002.
Her professional interests include Healthcare Ethics and Global Health. From October 2012 to December 2014 she was Acting Director of the Uganda UK Health Alliance, aimed at supporting organisations to deliver on the health priorities of the Ugandan Ministry of Health. She was a Trustee of THET from 2009- 2015.
Maura is a member of the Advisory Board of ICE, International Care Ethics Observatory, University of Surrey and Chair of Ethox, The Oxford Foundation for Ethics and Communication in Healthcare Practice.