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Global Health Workforce Programme - Q&A

The Global Health Workforce Programme aims to strengthen the health workforce in Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria. This Q&A provides information on key areas of the programme.

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Questions and Answers

Does a Co-Lead Partner have to be from a different organisation than the Lead Partner?

Yes, the Co-Lead Partner would have to be from a different organisation than the Lead Partner.

Can one organisation submit two applications?

Yes, THET will accept multiple applications however we encourage quality over quantity.

Is it possible to partner with the private sector or with social enterprises?

Yes, it is fine to partner with the private sector and/or with social enterprises.

Are Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and international NGOs (INGOs) eligible to apply?

Yes, NGOs and INGOs fall under the sub-group of ‘charity or civil society organisation.

Can two non-governmental organizations based in the same country submit one application?

You may have two NGOs based in the same country on the same application, however you would need to have another international collaborator from another of the four countries (UK, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria).

Is a university department eligible to apply?


Why do some partnerships already exist?

Some health partnerships already have a history of working together, for example this programme builds on a previous one. However, many institutions do not have a partner and are looking to find one for the purpose of this programme. 

How can I find a partnership?

If you are interested in forming a partnership with another institution, please fill out our Expression of Interest survey here. We will circulate the responses on a weekly basis to those who are interested in partnerships and individuals can connect with other survey respondents to explore partnership opportunities. There are resources about how to develop a health partnership toolkit on our website.

Can I apply for multi-country partnerships?

Applicants are welcome to submit proposals for multi-country partnerships so long as the lead partners are from a minimum of two programme countries: UK, Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria. The partner(s) in the third country could be named as additional partner(s) in the application.

What kind of partnerships is the GHWP looking for? 

We welcome applications from South-South partnerships as well as South-UK partnerships.

What are reasonable project management costs?

We suggest a minimum level of 20% for project management costs.

Where can I read about ODA rules?

Please see here.

What are the differences in requirements between a large and small grant?

For small grants, it is not mandatory to fulfil scoping priorities. For small grants, THET will expect a reduced level of reporting in terms of frequency (bi-annual instead of quarterly reporting) and in terms of information reported.

What is meant by the decentralisation of training? 

Decentralization of training means promoting opportunities for students to access training outside of the capital city. This training can be in-person or through digital learning, and there is a desire to expand these opportunities.

What is meant by funding pre-awarding?

Pre-awarding means providing funding to organizations outside of the competitive process. In Kenya, we are not using this approach as the Ministry of Health (MoH) prefers a competitive awarding process. In Ghana, we are exploring pre-awarding to some extent.

How can we achieve significant training outcomes in just 12 months? Will other strengths beyond individual training be considered? 

We acknowledge the short timeframe and do not expect a large number of individuals to be trained. However, we do encourage training planning in grant applications. Beyond individual training, other strengths will be considered.

Are there concerns about duplication of existing health programmes or complementary efforts within the scoping areas? 

We are establishing National Oversight Mechanisms (NOM) in each country to ensure that priority areas and projects do not duplicate efforts. This coordination aims to avoid redundancy.

Are there specific thematic areas or priorities for the program?

Yes, please refer to the scoping reports on our website for specific priority thematic areas, such as addressing workforce shortages in rural areas.

Could you advise how / when the funds will be released so we will be able to plan for cash flow and work in progress?

Funds will be released to lead partners in quarterly advances to lead partners in GBP.