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Read the UK-Africa Health Summit Learning Paper today!

28 June 2024


The UK-Africa Health Summit 2024 took place in March at the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), London. Through discussions, workshops and collaborative sessions, delegates engaged around the themes of health workforce mobility, Antimicrobial Resistance, and Antimicrobial Stewardship.

Day 1 focused on health workforce mobility, including diaspora health workers as they move between health systems. There were reflections on the opportunities and challenges this brings, building on THET’s 2021 report ‘From Drain to Gain’. Leaders shared insights on the need for cross-border alliances and deeper diaspora engagement to mobilise the voices of diaspora healthcare workers. Discussions resonated with the work of THET’s Experts In Our Midst programme, including reflections on the support and training provided and where gaps could be filled.

Day 2 provided a platform for Health Partnerships to share challenges and lessons they have learned as well as consider what best practice looks like: such as THET Principles of Partnership and lessons in sustainability.

The crisis of AMR was also discussed during plenaries and breakouts, described by speakers as ‘the next pandemic’ and ‘already a pandemic.’ Despite the threat posed by growing AMR, the fast-approaching UN High Level Meeting provided some optimism that the subject is being taken more seriously at a global level. The need for data sharing, the principles of One Health across sectors, and bi-directional trust and transparency were highlighted as priorities.

This post was written by:

THET - External Engagement Team


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