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News and Blog

News, events and stories from across the health partnership community. We would love to hear from you! If you have an idea for a piece or an account from a trip please contact our Communications Team: comms@thet.org

Medical Equipment in Top Condition

In this blog, Chris Mol, a lecturer in Biomedical Engineering at NORTEC, celebrates the projects most recent successes and comments on the complexity of the tasks ahead....

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What difference is Scotland making to global health?

This was the question addressed at the Towards Global Citizenship Symposium, hosted by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (RCPSG) earlier this month....

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Raising the Profile of Family Planning in Uganda

Clare Goodhart, reflects on the progress made in the partnership between the Royal College of General Practitioners and Bwindi Community Hospital, Uganda....

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2017 E-Bulletins

Throwing a spotlight on thematic issues, impact and health workers, our e-bulletins are a great way to find out whats happening at THET and in global health...

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